DJ Hero: Review


A 360° view of the hottest new games, including consumer, parent, and academic perspectives.

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DJ Hero: Review

Reviewed by: Sal

The makers of Guitar Hero introduce a new way to experience music. DJ Hero features a variety of music across genres. Using an authentic turntable controller, you will spin and scratch songs into unique mixes.


About our Consumer section

This section provides a comprehensive review of everything that you need to know about each video game we have reviewed. We’ve thought about everything a gamer needs to know before making a purchase: Is the game too difficult? Does it have good graphics and sound? A solid story-line? Can you play it with your buddies and are the controls so hard that a cyborg would struggle with them? We all know how tough it is to find an awesome game and we hope that this review will help.


The makers of the Guitar Hero series have taken it to a new extreme with the creation of DJ Hero. In the game, you work your way through tiers by getting 0 to 5 stars on every song. By amassing stars you unlock new characters and songs that you can play. This puts more of the focus on enjoying the mixes you play and even adding your own interesting twist to them. The hardest part of the game is getting used to the turn-table controller.


DJ Hero has great graphics and camera views while you play the game. DJ Hero will show you your avatar while playing and will also show clips of the fans in the venue you’re playing in.

Replay Value

Like Guitar Hero DJ Hero has a high replay value. The songs are all original mixes, which makes them fun to play them again and again. Every time you play you really feel like you’re a DJ.


There is no narrative in DJ Hero. During the game you just work your way through the tiers of songs to progress and unlock new songs and characters in the game.

Ease of Controls

The turntable definitely takes some getting used to.  Once you learn how to use it though it’s a ton of fun to use. It really makes you feel like your a part of the game. The only annoying part of the controller is sometimes the slider doesn’t stick in the middle when you slide it back during game play.

Social Playability

In DJ Hero, like Guitar Hero,  you can play head to head against your friends. A really neat part of co-op play is for some of the songs you can incorporate the guitar in while you’re DJing, which really makes for a lot of fun.

Overall Grade: B+

About our Parent section

Parents, we understand the problems you have with video games. Some are violent, inappropriate, and most just cost a lot of money. Fortunately, we understand that these are legitimate concerns and have therefore included in our review a few things that parents need to know about a video game: the amount of violence it has, sexually suggestive material, gender stereotyping, bad language, addictiveness and replay value. We have included all the criteria for a money-worthy and appropriate purchase for your children. We hope you find our evaluations helpful.

Replay Value

While DJ hero is a really pricey game which may make you reluctant to buy it for your child, it won’t be a game they put down in the foreseeable future. DJ Hero is a game that they will keep going back to and provides a challenge that can’t be surmounted in a matter of days. Like most Guitar Hero games, it will take several months to beat.

Social Playability

Regardless of the number of children you, have DJ Hero is a great game to buy them. It is great to entertain your child’s friends when they come over to play or for siblings to play with one another. It has plenty of songs to keep them entertained for hours.

Objectionable Content

As far as this goes, the only content that you need to look out for would be the lyrics to some of the songs you play during the game. They may be a little much for young children, but for kids 13-14+ they should be fine. Other than that some of the characters and people within the game may not be fully clothed to the extent you want your children to see. I would say overall this game is at a PG-13 level as far as content goes, so if they can watch that they’ll be fine.

About our Academic section

In our dealings with video games, we have also explored the academic research on the topic. We understand the roles that presence, narrative, and even aggression have and we also understand that certain video games might influence learning, gamers’ social interaction, stereotyping and sexual messaging. We have included in our review this section for those interested on the academic perspective of video games and how certain game characteristics can affect video game players.

Academic Perspective

DJ hero provides a great sense of immersion (i.e., feelings of actually be IN the game) throughout game play. The main technique it uses to achieve this is through the uses of a very real looking controller. When playing songs, it real feels as though you are a DJ especially because actions on the controller directly correlate with mixing a song in the game. Also, within the game there is a great sense of flow (total psychological absorption including loss of sense of time) and presence (perceptions of nonmediation).

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Available for:Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Wii, Xbox 360

One Comment to “DJ Hero: Review”

  1. LeftyHijack Says:

    While co-op DJ + Guitar is good for people who already have guitars, its really a gimmick. Theres only 10 track to play with the guitar against the 90+ tracks that are in the game (Not including DLC of course) and the guitar parts are often looped so you play the same sequence over and over again. Also DJ hero is made by an outside developer that was picked up by Activision during its 2nd year in development. It wasn’t made by the people of guitar hero, it just happens to use the “Hero” name to sell more.