Battlefield Bad Company 2


A 360° view of the hottest new games, including consumer, parent, and academic perspectives.

Battlefield Bad Company 2

Reviewed by: Matt

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is a first-person shooter video game developed by EA Digital Illusions CE and published by Electronic Arts. The game is a direct sequel to Battlefield: Bad Company and was announced at one of Electronic Arts’ earnings conferences and was showcased for the first time at E3 2009.

About our Consumer section

This section provides a comprehensive review of everything that you need to know about each video game we have reviewed. We’ve thought about everything a gamer needs to know before making a purchase: Is the game too difficult? Does it have good graphics and sound? A solid story-line? Can you play it with your buddies and are the controls so hard that a cyborg would struggle with them? We all know how tough it is to find an awesome game and we hope that this review will help.


As far as first person shooters go, Battlefield Bad Company 2 has a good amount of difficult to it. The game is engaging, but not overwhelming to pick up and jump into. However, this is coming from a veteran FPS gamer and that may contribute to my ease of adaptation to this game. The challenge presented may give newer gamers a tougher time at first. While playing throughout the game the various vehicles and mission add new challenges and keep the game interesting.


The Graphics in Battlefield Bad Company 2 are decent, but nothing to make the game noticed among the FPS genre, especially when compared to the juggernaut Call of Duty series.  The added element of a changing environment, meaning you can break walls, crash buildings, and generally manipulate the entire environment you’re in.  This allows for a sense of freedom since you can enter any building you wish, or even remove the ones you find ugly.

Replay Value

The replay value is very minimal in Battlefield Bad Company 2, after beating the game’s main story line you will find yourself uninterested in playing to complete any further objectives in the game. It is a fun ride while it lasts, once over there really aren’t thoughts of anything you may have missed throughout it. The multiplayer is fun, but you would be much better off with Modern Warfare 2.


At first the narrative is very interesting; the story seems to be filled with mystery and government conspiracy. Further into the game you find that the story is a letdown and anticlimactic. For awhile the idea of betrayal and government cover-ups keeps you interested, but then the dialogue kicks in with some cheesy and often cliché line that will probably not fit into the game’s mood.

Ease of use

If you’re a veteran gamer, especially in the FPS genre Battlefield Bad Company 2 shouldn’t be a problem to jump right into, but for new gamers it might be a bit of a stumbling start with a lot of returning to checkpoints after deaths. It’s a typical shooter to get used to, nothing special.

Social Playability

While it does have online capabilities and multiplayer, Battlefield Bad Company 2 seems like it is just living in the shadow of Modern Warfare 2.  The only point I found to be better in this game was the ability to destroy target hideouts

Overall Grade: C-

Battlefield Bad Company 2 is a fun game, but it just seems to be lagging behind the competitive genre of FPS games. With the monsters like COD and Halo series on the market, Battlefield Bad Company 2 is simply average, slightly below due to the poor story line.  Is it worth playing? Yeah its fun for awhile, but it isn’t worth buying.

About our Parent section

Parents, we understand the problems you have with video games. Some are violent, inappropriate, and most just cost a lot of money. Fortunately, we understand that these are legitimate concerns and have therefore included in our review a few things that parents need to know about a video game: the amount of violence it has, sexually suggestive material, gender stereotyping, bad language, addictiveness and replay value. We have included all the criteria for a money-worthy and appropriate purchase for your children. We hope you find our evaluations helpful.

Replay Value

Battlefield Bad Company 2 has little replay value, the online play isn’t that exciting and after finishing the main story you won’t feel very inclined to endure the cliché dialogue and numerous cut scenes that cut into playing every few minutes. There isn’t much left after the campaign to make this game worth your money.

Objectionable Content

  • Violence- in any FPS game you will have a lot of violence, with shooting and cut scenes this game is no exception. The gore isn’t a huge factor since it is just red mist. Not for young children, but nothing terrible.
  • Sexually Suggestive- Like most First Person Shooter games centered around the military there is little to no sexual suggestively due to the lack of female characters. There are some moderately suggestive references to sex and/or strippers during certain dialogue scenes.
  • Gender Stereotyping- Another example of portrayal of male characters as the saviors and the warriors, not showing women stereotypes them as being the weaker and helpless of the sexes.  This sort of gender stereo typing is typical for most games based on military combat.
  • Language- during the cut scenes there is a lot of swearing, this is to be expected for a game rated mature.  So if you’re buying your child a game rated mature, don’t be surprised when the characters drop the f-bomb.


Not really an addictive game, after I finished the campaign I didn’t have an urge to go back to redo any of the missions. After playing multiplayer I realized how Modern Warfare 2 has spoiled me in the realm of Firs Person Shooters. The game probably isn’t worth purchase due to the amount of time your kid will spend playing, rent this one before buying. If your child likes the game enough to make you buy it for them it’ll just be an extra five dollars, but if they don’t like it you will save about fifty five bucks.

Academic Perspective

Battlefield Bad Company 2 could provide an interesting area of academic study with the ability of players to alter their play environments. Since the game allows for destruction of buildings, and other types of cover, it could be studied how players use this to their advantage or strategy versus when playing without this feature. Strategy would likely be different even though the game is the same essentially since places normally considered safe may quickly expose or trap a player. 

About our Academic section

In our dealings with video games, we have also explored the academic research on the topic. We understand the roles that presence, narrative, and even aggression have and we also understand that certain video games might influence learning, gamers’ social interaction, stereotyping and sexual messaging. We have included in our review this section for those interested on the academic perspective of video games and how certain game characteristics can affect video game players.

Academic Perspective

Battlefield Bad Company 2 could provide an interesting area of academic study with the ability of players to alter their play environments. Since the game allows for destruction of buildings, and other types of cover, it could be studied how players use this to their advantage or strategy versus when playing without this feature. Strategy would likely be different even though the game is the same essentially since places normally considered safe may quickly expose or trap a player.

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Available for:Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360

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