

A 360° view of the hottest new games, including consumer, parent, and academic perspectives.


Students in Marina Krcmar's first year seminar study video games from an academic perspective. From left, Thomas Scholberg, Ford St. John, Krcmar, Sal Scifo, and Matt DiDomenico.Students enrolled in the “Video Games: Theory and Research” class at Wake Forest University decided to take what they’ve learned in class and put it together with their passion for gaming to help gamers and parents evaluate the best new video games of the season.

VGameU mixes college students 360° views of the best new games with tips for parents and insights on the effects of video games.

The class is taught by Marina Krcmar, associate professor of communication at Wake Forest, who studies the effects of video games. The class covers research and theory on video game play.

“Students learn that videos games can be studied analytically,” Krcmar says. “I also hope that learning about the negative effects of violent game play can help mitigate negative outcomes.”

Class topics have included:

  • the video game industry
  • motivations for game play
  • the effects of virtual environments on learning
  • the effects of violent video game play on aggression
