

A 360° view of the hottest new games, including consumer, parent, and academic perspectives.




Major: Mathematical Economics

Favorite Game: Star Wars Battlefront

What have you learned from the video game class?

There is much more to video games than just punching buttons and looking at a screen.



Major: Undecided. Maybe something in math, statistics or business. Currently majoring in music performance on fake plastic guitar until further notice.

Favorite game: Rock Band 2

What have you learned from the video game class?

I have learned how much more in depth and complex people’s responses are to games and how complex their interactions with them can be. It really is the media of the future.



Major: Psychology

Favorite game: Zelda: Ocarina of Time

What have you learned from the video game class?

I learned that studying the things about video games we take for granted, like why we play them, can help us better understand how video games as a media affect the consumer.



Major: Psychology and Finance

Favorite game: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

What have you learned from the video game class?

I’ve learned exactly what is behind the games that I love to play and why I want to play them so much.


Marina Krcmar

Associate Professor of Communication
Wake Forest University

Marina studies the effects of video games. She has done research on the influence of video game violence on children and adolescents and the effects of video game realism on aggressive outcomes. In addition, she studies other forms of media, especially as they are used by and influence children. She has published numerous studies. Teaching this class gives her the opportunity to draw on her research while building her students’ critical thinking skills.